The International Association of Lions Clubs started as a dream in the mind of a young Chicago insurance agent—Melvin Jones. The dream was the consolidation of several independent clubs, already in existence, into one strong influential unit for service to humanity. This dream was presented to the leaders of various independent groups at a meeting in Chicago Illinois on June 7th 1917. From that meeting came the Association’s first annual convention, which was held in Dallas Texas with 22 clubs from 9 states participating. Thus was conceived and founded the world’s largest, most active and most representative service club organization.


International: We are part of the largest service organization in the world with over 1.4 million members in 44,500 clubs and 180 countries and geographical areas. Elections of officers are held annually during June or July at an International Convention. Officers include the President, three Vice Presidents and twenty-eight Directors. One half of the Directors are elected each year for a two-year term. The International Board of Directors appoints the Secretary and Treasurer.

Multiple District: A large area consisting of a whole state, province, or states in the United States, Canada and Mexico, an entire country or other geographical area. We are in Multiple District 18 covering the entire state of Georgia. The six sub-districts in Georgia are designated A, B, C, D, E and F. We are in sub-district 18F.

District 18-F: The largest district in land size in the state, District 18-F covers the eastern portion of middle Georgia. Our District Governor guides us in achieving goals in the name of Lionism.

Centerville Georgia Lions Club: Serves Centerville and the surrounding Houston County area. Our club officers are: President, three Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Lion Tamer, Tail Twister, Membership Director and Board of Directors. Nominations for club officers are made in March of each year and elections are held in April. Newly elected officers are installed at an Installation Night in June. Their term of office begins July 1st for one year. The officers attend a board meeting once each month in addition to the two general membership monthly meetings to conduct the general business of the club. The monthly board meeting is normally held just prior to the first Monday general membership meeting. Since organized, many of our members have served in club offices and some have gone on to fill offices at the District and Multiple District level.