We control our finances through the use of three funds:

Administrative: Money collected from the members through quarterly dues are used to pay International and State dues, club supplies, meals for guest speakers and other items directly related to the operation of the club.

Activities: Income earned through fundraising events involving the general public are used only for our various service programs in our community, District 18-F and for Lions International approved programs. None is used for club administration functions or expenses.

Building Fund: Income from our building is used for building maintenance and upkeep. The building is used throughout the year for Region and Zone Meetings as well as other official Lions of Georgia functions. Club members are also welcome to use the facility.

No Lion is ever paid for time or participation in any Lions community service activity.

We are proud of the fact that all the generosity we receive from the public is put to good use supporting the various programs as recognized by Lions International and our Club.